Conditional Clauses

Check out this SlideShare Presentations:

Conditional Clauses

View more presentations from Carmen Torres.

First, review first,second and third type of conditionals by loooking at the presentation shown above.

Once you have finished, register in slideshare and go to: and study another presentation where the uses of the third type of conditionals are stated.

Then, come back to the presentation you have here. You can find some exercises there.
After that,record a video with the answers of those exercises. Later, register in blip t.v.

Then, Upload the video in blip t.v. don´t forget to write a short comment and introduce yourself.

Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. las clausulas condicional es una manera nueva de aprender, el hecho de subir voz en off es ejercitar el habla y la gramatica!!
